Salisbury Grange Values
My Personal Values
#1 100% organic: I will never put chemicals, pesticides or weed killers anywhere near my garden! There are no “weeds” and things like dandelion are amazing for humans and for bees.
#2 Protect all animals: I will never harm any creature that comes into my garden including rats, mice, possums, toads, snakes, spiders and anything else considered a “pest”. All animals are protected and welcome.
#3 Build up the soil: soil health is the most important factor in creating healthy, nutrient dense vegetables. I spend my time creating good soil through composting and resting soil each season.
#4 Simplicity: growing food is a very simple process and I aim to write and create workshops based on making things as easy to understand as possible.
#5 Growing food is our own responsibility: we contribute to the current food system by outsourcing the work to companies that poison the land, water and us by spraying pesticides. This is not okay with me and why I learned to grow my own.
#6 Nature is beautiful and abundant: nothing tastes better than homegrown tomatoes, smells better than homegrown basil or looks more beautiful than homegrown sunflowers.