How To Use Your Raised Garden Beds In Brisbane All Year

The outlay for setting up a home veggie patch using raised garden beds isn’t super expensive, but it’s enough to make you want to get a good return on your investment. (For all the exact prices see my Raised Garden Bed Shopping List below).

Planning to use your raised garden beds across the seasons is my best tip and I’ve pulled together a quick guide to using raised garden beds in Brisbane across the seasons. My plan is based on having 3 raised garden beds at home and using one of them for leafy greens that you will eat, the second for some herbs to use in cooking, and the third for flowers to attract in pollinators.

There are many different options for what you can grow each season, but I’ve included the veggies and flowers that have thrived in my raised garden beds in Brisbane. You can see all of my raised garden bed tips here, but I recommend planting about 5-10 seedlings max in each bed - they grow better with enough space!

Some of my spring leafy greens in my raised garden beds on my Brisbane balcony (above) and a butterfly on marigold flowers

Raised Garden Beds Plan Brisbane | By The Seasons

Bed 1: Lettuce Bed 2: Parsley Bed 3: Cosmos

Bed 1: Rocket Bed 2: Basil Bed 3: Marigold

Bed 1: Spinach Bed 2: Coriander Bed 3: Bells of Ireland

Bed 1: Cavolo Nero Bed 2: Watercress Bed 3: Chamomile


Growing Vegetables In Brisbane (In Minutes)


How To Grow Sunflowers From Seed