Growing Vegetables In Brisbane (In Minutes)

Here I am growing vegetables in Brisbane on my balcony, including a lot of lettuce!

It only took me 10 years to figure out that growing vegetables in Brisbane is very simple! The good news is that if you don’t have a decade for trial and error and would like to eat your own delicious lettuce and homegrown basil kind of soon, I have pulled what I’ve learned over all of those years into a 1 minute video.

The key steps I use when growing vegetables in Brisbane are simple - I gather my materials, I plant my seeds into a seed tray, a month later I plant my now seedlings into a garden bed, then I water them for the next month as they become fully grown, and finally I eat and enjoy! If only I had known this at the very start of my gardening journey. Anyways…

Check out my Growing Vegetables In Brisbane video below. In the video I am using raised garden beds, but the steps are the same for using pots or a garden bed. And if you would like more information about which veggies to plant in which season, you might like my 2024 Planting Calendar available below. Happy veggie growing!

Some of the vegetables I’ve been growing in Brisbane over the years including lettuce, carrots, spring onions and tomatoes (above)


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