My Dahlia Story: Phoebe’s Dahlia Turnaround

Some of the dahlias I grew in my Brisbane backyard that grew well over my head!

I’m currently creating a new online workshop called Dahlias For Beginners for newbies wanting to grow their own dahlias at home. One part of the workshop I’m so excited about is interviewing local people around South East Queensland who already grow their own dahlias as inspiration!

In the spirit of sharing, I’ve put my own dahlia story through the Q+A too, which you can see from the title didn’t start off great! I’ve included the photos of the beautiful flowers I grew last year in my Brisbane backyard to illustrate the dahlia turnaround I had after finally figuring out the formula to grow these beauties. Check out my backstory below!

After a few years of struggling I’ve got the hang of dahlia growing - these were grown in a corner of my Brisbane garden bed (above) the white variety is called Astrid Coorabell

My Dahlia Story: 10 Questions with Phoebe Grealy

#1 Where do you live?
I live in inner city Brisbane and grew the pictured dahlias in about 5 metres of my backyard garden bed.

#2 How long have you been growing dahlias? How did you get into growing your own?
I started growing them in 2016, so 7 years now. The original catalyst was seeing an Instagram post by Grown & Gathered who had some dahlia tubers for sale. I literally had no experience and bought 2 tubers on a whim and was shocked when they arrive looking like little potatoes. I had no idea!

#3 How did you learn to grow them?
It was purely by trial and error. I googled something but it didn't exactly make sense. I knew how to grow veggies and other flowers like sunflowers at the time I tried dahlias, but the first two seasons were total failures! Sadly, I now know how close I was to getting dahlias the very first time - I just gave up too soon because I couldn’t see any flowers.

#4 What’s your garden situation? How many dahlias do you usually plant?
The dahlias pictured were grown in my inner city Brisbane cottage - I usually grow about 6 dahlia varieties and that’s enough to look after. I’ve moved this year and don’t have a large garden anymore, so I’m going to have a go at growing dahlias in planter beds next.

#5 Do you have any rituals around planting dahlias?
I plant dahlias on my brother Tom’s birthday on September 4 - this is how I always remember.

Rapid Fire!

#6 New variety you want to grow? Samoan Prince - it is magenta with an unusual quarter that comes out bright red!
#7 Dahlia patch or veggie patch? I want both, but I would have to say veggies by a hair. #controversial
#8 Any dahlia calamities? I saved over 200 dahlia tubers in my shed in 2021, but they got wet and 75% of them withered away.
#9 Who is your dahlia Inspo? I love Floret and Sam and Wild Violet Farm.
#10 What’s next for your garden in general? I’m doing a bee flower project with The Mini Farm at Loganlea SHS. So excited!

Pure concentration! Cutting an African Peach dahlia in my Brisbane backyard. Spot the tiny green grasshopper on the flower!


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