How To Grow Sunflowers From Seed

Holding sunflower seeds on my deck in Brisbane

I recently set myself the goal of creating some simple videos on Youtube about what and how I grow things at home. The first one about growing veggies (Growing Vegetables In Brisbane) worked out great! I ended up with almost too many veggies including lettuce, rocket, basil and spinach.

My second video about growing sunflowers from seed was not as successful, because the flowers did not work out! I planted them into pots above and they got attacked by aphids leaving them very lacklustre and half the normal size.

I ummed and ahhed about whether I should bother posting the video because the result sucked! But I decided to go ahead with it because firstly, not all my gardening experiments are successful so I may as well show that, and secondly because the steps I go through to get sunflowers in the video is exactly how I grew the stunning, tall, healthy, beautiful sunflowers you can see below. The process is the same!

So if you are wondering how to grow sunflowers from seed, please trust me (!), and check out my How To Grow Sunflowers From Seed video for my simple tips. And if you’ve run into problems with yours or something else, you might like my new blog post inspired by my recent failure: When Things Go Wrong In The Garden (And How To Fix Them)!

Some of the sunflowers I’ve grown from seed in Brisbane (above) and check out my 1-minute how-to video below!

Looking for more information? Check out my take on Growing Dahlias In Brisbane and I Grew These Sunflowers.


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When Things Go Wrong In The Garden (And How To Fix Them)