A Floret Online Workshop Review (From Australia)

The insanely beautiful flowers from Floret. Image credits: Floret Flowers

My story with the Floret Online Workshop goes back to 2017 when I stumbled across the workshop being advertised on Floret’s Instagram with a couple of hours left until enrolment closed. It was the very first time Floret had offered the course and it equated to a $2400 AUD which I didn’t have spare at the time.

I made a quick call to my brother Fergus who generously loaned me the $$ and while it was a big investment for me then (I hadn't even conceived of Salisbury Grange yet) I never regretted it once. (And yes I paid Fergus back ;).

Erin from Floret says that she hopes the course will save participants about 5 years of trial and error. I wholeheartedly agree that it does. I could have guessed how to do half of the things they do, but seeing Erin, Jill and the team at work and the incredible level of beauty they cultivate, kicked me instantly to a much higher level, just by witnessing it.

Not to give anything away about the materials within the Floret Online Workshop, but I wanted to touch on 5 things I learned from Floret way back in 2017 that have been so priceless and made me a real believer in investing to see how real experts do things.

The organisation I learned from the Floret Online Workshop is top notch, just like their unbelievably high-quality flowers (above)

Floret Online Workshop Review | 5 Things I Learned (No Spoilers!)

  1. Organisation, organisation, organisation: if there is one major theme I took away from all the amazing videos and lessons within the Floret Online Workshop, it is organisation! Erin and Jill are just a cut above and think through everything they do to make it as efficient as possible and it kind of blew my mind!

  2. Having big vision: a flower farm or any venture does not happen by accident and I loved getting insight into the goal setting they they do each year and how nothing is really the limit. It seems like they can make anything happen (3 books and a TV show) and they never shy away from going for it.

  3. The one spoiler I will give is that within the workshop there is a video on Balance where Erin and Jill share that in creating their flower empire, not all is perfect behind the scenes. They have loads of washing left unwashed and dishes in the sink! I’ve watched this multiple times. Thank you ladies!

  4. Be the face of your business: Erin wrote about this concept on her blog but she teaches a lesson she learned from another successful flower farmer when she was struggling and that is you have to be the face of your business and step out from behind the flowers so others have something to connect to.

  5. Working with nature: I love how this is a highly profitable venture and yet Erin and the team work in harmony with animals, the environment and soil to produce so much beauty with their flowers. They are a great role model for all of us and a strong argument against working the land to death to reach a profit.

My review of the Floret Online Workshop is pretty glowing, but there is no affiliation. I just really enjoyed it and check back on the lessons every year.

Looking for more information? Check out my take on 4 Awesome Vegetable Growing Courses In Australia or 5 Beautiful Dahlia Books To Read Now.


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