10 Reasons I Grow My Own Veggies

Industrial farming versus growing at home (no Hazmat suit required). Image credit: prisdeterre.net via Instagram

When I first started a little home garden I hadn’t put any real thought into why except for that I wanted to have a go at growing things.

I mentioned in another article one of the most surprising personal changes I had from growing my own veggie patch and flowers over the last decade was getting more understanding of working with nature, but I also wanted to touch on why I still put in the effort to grow some of my own veggies each season now. Aren’t I over it?!

It can be hard and time consuming to grow veggies at the start, although I honestly find gardening very simple and straight forward now. If anything I wish for more space to grow more veggies! For anyone starting out or feeling like it’s not an immediate good return on investment, stick with it.

Here are 10 simple reasons why I still grow my own veggies. And by the way, one thing I learned over the years is what veggies to plant in which season. I’ve made a free Brisbane Planting Calendar below too with that info if you would like a copy. .

Some of the carrots and tomatoes I grew in my Brisbane backyard (above)

10 Reasons I Grow My Own Veggies

  1. I love experimenting with new, cool flowers and vegetables and seeing if I can grow them successfully.

  2. The veggies I grow are always super fresh.

  3. I get the exact right amount of the herbs or salad leaves I want (why does the supermarket always give huge bunches of herbs?)

  4. I absolutely hate pesticides and I get to decide that there will NEVER BE ANY on my veggies.

  5. More diverse wildlife visits my garden because of my veggie and flower patch including bees and butterflies.

  6. I know my produce hasn’t been imported from far overseas, held in freezer storage for months or genetically modified (ugh).

  7. I get a sense of satisfaction from nurturing something and keeping it alive.

  8. I’m more in tune with the weather and seasons than ever before (always hoping for rain so I get the day off from watering!)

  9. Produce keeps growing back when I pick it so one lettuce can last for weeks #sustainable and #convenient.

  10. It tastes 1 million times better!

If you’d like to see how I plant seeds and seedlings in my raised garden beds at home, check out my YouTube how-to videos.

Could not agree more. Image credit: Instagram

Looking for more information? Check out my take on Winter Vegetables To Grow In Brisbane or The Fastest Growing Vegetables To Plant.


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