Classroom Gardening Projects To Do, When You Don’t Have A School Garden

Lettuce in a seedling tray and fully grown in a raised garden bed

One of the biggest barriers to starting a classroom gardening project can be the lack of an established garden bed, but don’t let that stop you!

There are many inexpensive ways that gardening projects can take shape when you’re dealing with small spaces or when it’s just too much red tape to convince your school to invest in some new garden beds. From using a simple set up of pots or raised garden beds, here are a number of fun classroom gardening projects to do when you don’t yet have a school garden to work with.

And if you’d like more information about what to plant when, you might like my free planting calendar below. Happy gardening!

No garden bed, no problem. Pots and seedling trays can be used for fun classroom garden projects (above)

Classroom Gardening Projects | 4 Ideas

Term 1 - Pollination Station - use a raised garden bed or 3 and plant summer flowers to attract in bees and butterflies. Zinnia, cosmos and marigold are easy to grow summer flowers. See my Raised Garden Bed Shopping List here.

Term 2 - Sunflowers In Pots - using 10-20 small black pots, plant one sunflower per pot and create a mini sunflower field. Pots can go on concrete or grass or can also be elevated onto a small bench seat like the one above. See how I plant sunflowers into pots here.

Term 3 - Father’s Day Veggie Seedlings - get students to plant a mixture of seeds such as lettuce, rocket, basil and coriander into small seed trays. Once they have grown into small seedlings, send them home with students to give as Father’s Day gifts. See my growing lettuce seedling guide here.

Term 4 - Class compost - set up a small black compost bin that can be placed on concrete or grass and using a small bucket, ask students to collect their veggie and fruit scraps each break. Students can empty the scraps into the compost each day and cover with grass clippings from the school mowing to learn how to create a compost and also reduce waste. Download my Simple Compost Guide here.

Looking for more information? Check out my list of School Garden Grants For 2023-2024 or 4 School Garden Projects To Do In Brisbane.


FREE! 2023 Brisbane School Garden Planting Calendar


Easy Veggies To Grow In A School Garden