Easy Veggies To Grow In A School Garden

Wondering what are some easy veggies to grow in a school garden? Tomatoes always work!

While there are a million options for veggies to plant in a school garden I really recommend starting with easy veggies. These give you a nice win early on and help to build confidence as you work towards planting those more advanced veggies that can take up to 6 months-plus to grow (think cabbages, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and pumpkins).

The good news is that what I would consider the easy veggies to grow in a school garden, also taste delicious and can be planted and grown within the one school term which is a huge bonus!

I’ve included my top 5 easy veggies below, but if you would like more options, I’ve also included my 2024 Planting Calendar below too!

Starting with easy veggies in a school garden is the best way to build confidence and grow great produce (above)!

Easy Veggies To Grow In A School Garden | 5 Options

  1. Rocket: rocket by name and rocket by nature, this delicious and peppery leafy green is a great addition to any school garden because it’s fast to grow and easy to pick and eat! I plant rocket in spring or summer or Term 1, Term 3 or Term 4 in Brisbane. See how I plant rocket seedlings here.

  2. Basil: basil is one hardy herb and is a great choice for planting in a Brisbane school garden because it thrives in hot weather. I plant basil in summer or Term 1 or Term 4 in Brisbane.

  3. Lettuce: lettuce is super fast growing and one of the easiest leafy greens to get started in a school garden. It only takes about 8-10 weeks to go from planting a seed to a whole head of lettuce. I plant lettuce in autumn and spring or Term 2 and Term 3 in Brisbane. See how I plant lettuce seedlings here.

  4. Tomatoes: cherry tomatoes can be really simple to grow and they produce lots of fruit which can be shared by a whole class. Just remember to help the tomatoes thrive by supporting them with a stake or a trellis to help them stay upright. I plant tomatoes in autumn or Term 2 in Brisbane.

  5. Sunflowers: sunflowers are not exactly a veggie (although they do produce edible sunflower seeds) but they are really easy to grow in Brisbane with all of our sun which is why I have put them on this list. They also brighten up any garden! I plant sunflowers in autumn or Term 2 or 3 In Brisbane. See how I plant sunflower seedlings here.

An abundance of easy to grow sunflowers and tomatoes


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