When To Plant Tomatoes In Brisbane

When to plant tomatoes in Brisbane? The ideal time is March…and you may need a stepladder!

There is much debate about when to plant tomatoes in Brisbane. That’s because traditionally tomatoes are synonymous with summer. I tried planting tomatoes in both spring and summer and they always would look hot, unhappy and then eventually wither and die — even when I watered them twice a day.

I was saved when I heard Jerry Coleby-Williams from Gardening Australia (who also lives in Brisbane), mention that he plants his tomatoes over autumn and winter. Tick! Once I tried this, my tomato game finally picked up. I guess this is because in Brisbane, our autumn, winter and spring can all easily hit “summer” temperatures.

Having tested out when to grow tomatoes in Brisbane across all seasons, I can definitively say that my best results have come from planting tomatoes in March or April in cooler autumn weather. Last autumn, I tested out heaps of different tomato varieties and include 4 of the best tomatoes to grow in Brisbane below. Check out my Heirloom Tomato Sellers List too for many more varieties!

Some of the tomato varieties (above) that I grew in my Brisbane backyard

What Are The Best Tomatoes To Grow In Brisbane?

#1 Cherry Tomatoes: I love the gorgeous sugarlump cherry variety for it’s ombre colouring and huge trusses.

#2 Currant Tomatoes: Teeny tiny currant tomatoes are about a third of the the size of cherry tomatoes and their cuteness alone make them one of the best tomatoes to grow in Brisbane. They are easy to pick off the vine to eat like fruit.

#3 Riesetomate: I grew this intriguing Riestomate variety (the third tomato above) because my grandparent’s surname is Ries. It is a super cool heirloom variety that clumps up with 6 or 7 clumps per fruit.

#4 Beefsteak Tomatoes: If you want to challenge yourself, grow a huge beefsteak tomato variety, easily one of the best tomatoes to grow in Brisbane. They can weigh hundreds of grams each and feed a whole family!

When to plant tomatoes in Brisbane? My vote is in March or April (not summer as many suggest)


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