When To Plant Cosmos In Sydney

Wondering when to plant cosmos flowers in Sydney? Spring and summer are the perfect time.

Cosmos is always a flower I recommend growing in Sydney because it is one of the few flowers that is really happy in Australian heat. For that reason, the best time to plant cosmos in Sydney is in spring and summer. I’ve also tried planting it when it was a warm autumn and it was a bit so-so!

There are lots of awesome varieties of cosmos, but I love the Cosmos Purity variety that has a a daisy like white flower and bright yellow centre colour, as well as the very sweet pink Cupcake Blush variety you can get at Transition Farm.

And if you are looking for other summer flowers to complement cosmos, you may like my Seasonal Flower Calendar below which includes a number of other options for the season. Happy planting!

The cosmos I grew in my backyard (above) grew almost as tall as my head! I grew all of these varieties from my own seed collection.

The perfect time to plant cosmos in Sydney is in spring and summer because they love the heat.

Looking for more information? Check out my take on 7 Of The Best Spring Flowers For Sydney or 6 Great Cut Flowers To Grow In Australia.


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