What Is Food Security? Why I’m Growing More Veggies in 2023

My backyard veggie patch in Inner-city Brisbane

The topic of food security in Australia came to me in an unexpected way, for someone who knows how to grow things. Last year, I had a reading with a psychic who asked me: “Why are you planting so many flowers? You need to focus on more food.” Along with being accurate (see my Instagram filled with flowers, eep) she prompted me to re-think what I have always taken for granted — access to an unlimited supply of food.

What would I do if this was no longer available? And what does food security in a country like Australia mean? Experts explain that food security includes the availability of food (if shelves become empty like they did in COVID or during floods, then there is no food), access (having enough money to buy enough food, when the cost of living and inflation is high) and the nutrient value of the food (we might have access to bags of chips in a crisis, but you can’t live without proper nutrients for very long).

So after really freaking out about this and forcing family members to start their own gardens, (which they did!), I decided to make my own plan of what to grow across 2023 to at least get used to providing myself with some basic veggies. I want to grow my own food anyway. It tastes better and is enjoyable, so there really is no downside. I’ve included what my veggie growing plan is for 2023 below.

Some of the tomatoes, spring onion, silverbeet and carrots I’ve grown over the last couple of years (above)

What Is Food Security Australia | My 2023 Veggie Plan

  • Summer: Lettuce, rocket and basil > to make lots of salads

  • Autumn: Spinach, silverbeet, tomato and kale > to make spanakopita and frittata

  • Winter: Carrot, celery, onion and garlic > to make soups and roast veggies

  • Spring: Snow peas, lettuce, tatsoi, parsley and coriander > more salads

One other thing the psychic told me to do was to help others by sharing what I know via Youtube. I haven’t done that yet! but check out my Salisbury Grange Youtube for coming information on how to plant seeds and set up raised garden beds to grow food at home!

I’ve set up my veggie patch both in a traditional garden bed and also…

In pots with great success too

Looking for more information? Check out my 2023 Raised Garden Bed Plan or my FREE! 2023 Brisbane Planting Calendar.


What Flowers To Grow Now In Sydney, By The Seasons


Where To Buy Veggie Seeds Online In Australia