What Flowers To Plant In Brisbane This Summer

What are great flowers to plant in Brisbane in summer? Cosmos is one!

Many flowers can survive a Brisbane summer (just) if you water them both morning and night and never, ever forget. But I rather plant flowers that are actually very happy in a Brisbane summer. It’s taken me a few years of flower growing to figure the best flowers to plant in Brisbane in our sweltering summer heat, but I share my top 4 here.

If 4 seems like not a lot of choice, I hear you. There are so many options of things you can plant always, but the more experience I get, the more I’ve come to believe that planting a lot of a few flower varieties looks a lot better than an explosion of many different flowers. Quality over quantity vibes seem to be more chic #whoknew. I share my personal take on the best flowers to plant in Brisbane summer below.

Dahlias and basil (above) thrive as summer flowers

4 Flowers To Plant In Brisbane In Summer

#1 Cosmos: These beauties look like dainty daisies, but they absolutely thrive in hot summer weather. They also come in lots of beautiful colours. I love the white cosmos with a yellow centre and am also partial to bright orange cosmos.

#2 Zinnia: I love growing zinnia in summer because they love the heat and also because butterflies adore them! I think it’s because of their larger round flower head. My favourite zinnias are the purple Lavender and peachy pink varieties.

#3 Basil: They’re not really considered a flower, but I use basil as a flower and in flower bunches all the time. Once they go to seed, they produce lots of gorgeous purple and white flowers that bees are obsessed with. Basil smells amazing too.

#4 Dahlias: Dahlias are the queen of the summer flower garden. They can be a little more involved as you grow them from a tuber, but they are worth it. I love the stunning cafe au lait dahlia - if you can find them!

Zinnias = top Brisbane summer flower


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