Sydney Vegetable Planting Guide

Me with some of the seedlings I recently grew, ready to plant them into raised garden beds

It took me a number of years and lots of trial and error to really understand what to grow in my garden and when. Now I know that autumn is the best time for veggies because the weather is finally cool enough, that sunflowers can actually grow very well in Sydney winter, and that bee flowers like cosmos thrive in spring.

Summer in Sydney can be a little trickier due to the heat. I mostly only plant things that really love hot weather including rocket, basil, marigolds and dahlias.

I’ve created a free 2023 Sydney Vegetable Planting Guide that you can download below if you’d like the full scope of all the different vegetables to grow each season, but I also very recently create a number of YouTube videos which also serve as a sort of Planting Guide too. You can check out the videos below where I’ve categorised them by the season. Happy growing!

Homegrown and delicious spring onion, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes (above)

The products I use often including potting mix, my own seedlings and raised garden beds

Looking for more information? Check out my take on What To Grow Now In Sydney, By The Seasons and finally…Introducing Salisbury Grange YouTube.


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How I Got Good At Growing Veggies And Flowers…Over 10 Years