Where I Buy Organic In Brisbane (While I’m Waiting To Grow My Own)

Veggies from The Mini Farm Project fortnightly box

I’ve been looking for a solution to find amazing organic produce in Brisbane while I wait for my veggie seedlings to grow and produce fruit. Growing your own veggies at home is my first choice, but it can generally take about 3 months from planting seeds to getting the fully grown lettuce or tomato and I’ll admit I didn’t plan ahead for the gap between seasons. It’s a common problem!

The upside is that I did some experimentation and found some great options for organic veggies in Brisbane: The Mini Farm Project fortnightly veggie boxes and The Granite Belt Growers Market Stall at the Sunday Northey Street Markets.

There are heaps of great organic or organic-ish options around Brisbane, but I am absolutely obsessed with the quality of these two. I’ve included more information about where to find them below. And if you are thinking about growing your own veggies at home too, check out my 2023 Brisbane Planting Calendar.

Some of the produce from the Granite Belt market stall and waiting for my seedlings to grow at home (above)!

Organic Market Produce In Brisbane

#1 The Mini Farm Project Veggie Boxes: The Mini Farm Project is a charity that turns under utilised land into farms to help create food security and local produce. They have recently opened a farm at Loganlea State High School which is amazing! Their fortnightly veggie box costs $35 and includes a range of produce grown at their Millen Farm in Samford. Each time I get it I am absolutely blown away by the colourful contents and I said to the farmer there that every time I get the box I feel so inspired to cook in a way that I never am with supermarket produce. She said, “That because there’s still energy in our produce.” Total AHA moment. #obsessed

#2 The Granite Belt Growers Market Stall: There are lots of great organic stalls at the Northey Street Organic Markets in Brisbane each Sunday, but my absolute favourite is the Granite Belt Growers. Their produce is always seasonal and super organic. I remember going one week where you had to pick off you own Brussels sprouts straight off the stem! I will not eat supermarket tomatoes ever (for GMO reasons) and they have an awesome selection of fresh heirloom varieties each week. If you get in very early you can also catch an amazing bunch of organic zinnia or dahlias! It’s definitely worth getting up early on Sunday morning to go there.

All the colours of the rainbow in my Mini Farm Project veggie box

Loads of organic tomatoes from the Northey Street Markets

Looking for more information? Check out my take on Growing Lettuce In Brisbane or When To Plant Tomatoes In Brisbane.


Growing Lettuce In Brisbane: Seedlings Guide


My One Rule