My One Rule

Illustration credit: Sara StJohn Creations

The one part of the gardening journey that still keeps developing more and more over time is my connection to nature. It seems like what I’ve learned about planting seeds and watering and the process of growing veggies hasn’t altered much at all, but through being out in my garden, season on season and year on year has deepened my connection and understanding of nature so much.

The main thing that I now see and believe in is the beauty of all living things. When I started, I would never have sprayed chemicals on my plants or tried to get rid of “pests” or “weeds”. But that was mainly because I was organic. But today, when a caterpillar eats my leaves, I can’t even conceive of killing it or spraying it! Not only does a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, but it seems to completely insane to treat anything that way.

I had a toad, (yes a toad) decide to make my planter box filled with basil its new habitat. When I was watering it and discovered it, I could see it look up at me and wonder if I was dangerous. Having a garden that attracts in all manner of insects, pollinators and animals is a huge compliment and now I properly understand that nature is their direct food source and they have every right to it, even if I can’t eat my basil anymore!

Which brings me back to my one and only gardening rule: I will never, ever use chemicals anywhere in my garden. I want to eat my lettuce. My dogs digs and plays all over my garden. And most importantly, I want all animals to come in to and feel safe. And although I love growing beautiful flowers and eating fresh vegetables, I think this new understanding of nature might be the best outcome of my gardening journey.

Illustration credit: Tijana Draws


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