Growing Chamomile In Brisbane

Some of the cute as a button chamomile I’ve been growing in my Brisbane garden

When I first had a go at growing chamomile in my Brisbane backyard I really had no expectations, but it turned out to be one of the best experiments I’ve done.

Growing chamomile is very simple, but one major thing to note is that if you are growing it from seed (which I always do) chamomile seed is so super tiny it’s almost like a golden dust! Because it’s so fine, it’s better to just sprinkle a dusting of the seed on top of potting mix and let it grow from there (rather than the usual way to plant seedlings). I planted chamomile in April in Brisbane and that time of year was really successful. I’ve also planted it in early spring before it got too hot which worked too.

Once it blooms it’s a very simple process to dry the flowers and turn it into the soothing chamomile tea that we all know and love. I’ve included some tips about chamomile tea below!

Some of the German chamomile I grew in Brisbane (above). As well as making a great tea, it’s also a very cute and fragrant flower!

Growing Chamomile In Brisbane For Tea | 3 Tips

#1 Chamomile tea is made from the chamomile plant’s flowers (not the root or stem as is the case with some other teas).

#2 Once your flowers have bloomed and then start to die off is the perfect time to pick the flowers.

#3 Dry the flowers for a few days on a piece of newspaper or cardboard, then use it like you would any other loose leaf tea. Simple!

Growing chamomile in Brisbane? I plant it in both autumn and spring.

Looking for more information? Check out my take on 5 Herbal Teas To Plant In Australia and Easy Flowers To Grow In Brisbane.


5 Herbal Teas To Plant In Australia


5 Flowers To Plant Around A Native Bee Hive In Brisbane