5 Herbal Teas To Plant In Australia

Holding some fresh chamomile I picked from my home garden in Brisbane

Lots of people are dubious of many of the herbal teas on the market because of the pesticides on the tea bags. Yuck. So if you are thinking about trying to plant some of your own herbal teas in Australia this year, let me reassure you that there are some very easy to grow options.

From soothing chamomile which works well in autumn, to anti-inflammatory calendula which suits spring conditions, to immune-building echinacea which thrives over summer, I’ve included 5 herbal teas to plant in Australia below. And having grown all of these before, you can rest assured they taste a lot better than supermarket varieties!

#1 Chamomile - is known as the tea you sip to help put you into a sleepy, relaxed state. Plant chamomile in autumn and enjoy tea by spring.

#2 Echinacea - has long been used as a tea that fends off infections and colds and is perfect for the flu season. Plant echinacea in summer and all of the flower, including the petals, stem and root can be dried to make the tea.

#3 Calendula - is a bright orange beauty that thrives in spring weather, and is looked to for its anti-inflammatory nature which is why many companies include calendula in their organic skincare.

#4 Nasturtium - is a must-include when thinking of herbal teas to plant in Australia. Both the leaves and flowers can be dried to make a medicinal tea that’s good for soothing sore throats. Plant nasturtiums over spring.

#5 Nettle - is the go-to tea for growing strong hair and nails. The leaves are picked, dried and then infused into hot water. It doesn't taste the best, but the results are great! Plant nettle in cooler autumn weather.

Looking for more information? Check out my take on Growing Chamomile In Brisbane and David Beckham’s Iconic Bee Hives.


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Growing Chamomile In Brisbane