Growing Basil In Brisbane: Seedlings Guide

The seedlings I’ve been growing on my balcony including basil!

Growing Basil In Brisbane

It’s been a wild ride for the price of produce over the last 12 months, with prices of everything shooting up due to the cost of living crisis (and lettuce hitting $12 at one stage due to shortages!)

I grow a lot of my own greens like basil, lettuce and rocket at home just because it tastes way better, but I feel a lot better having my own supply of herbs at home as prices jump significantly.

The fact is that produce shortages can happen at any time as weather becomes more unpredictable due to climate change (I wish it wasn’t so) so it is really worth cultivating a few garden greens at home. I’ve included the simple steps I go through when growing basil at my home in Brisbane, including getting basil seedlings very inexpensively below.

And if you’d like to see exactly how I do this in real life, I have started a new YouTube channel which includes a how-to on Growing Basil In Brisbane.

I‘ve been growing basil at home in Brisbane for the last year (above) and the results have been great

Growing Basil In Brisbane | Seedling Steps

  1. Fill up a seedling tray with potting mix (I use REKO trays and Searles potting mix*)

  2. Put a hole in each square and then pop one basil seed in each square (1 only, trust me!)

  3. Pat down, sprinkle lightly with water from a watering can (I use Nylex) and put into direct sunlight

  4. A week later seedlings should have popped up

  5. I keep the seedlings in the tray for a whole month to let them get to a good size

    *recommendations not sponsored, just what I use personally

Some of my homegrown basil seedlings ready to be planted into a raised garden bed

My basil seedlings only took about 6 weeks to sprout up to this level - there’s a fair amount of basil leaves on the way


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