My Veggie Garden Story: Fergie’s First Carrots

Ferg sampling veggies from his Sydney garden

My brother Fergus who has become a flower growing prodigy over the last few years, going from newbie to experienced in record speed, hasn’t had the same trajectory with vegetables. While growing rows of sunflowers and mastering beautiful dahlias in his Sydney courtyard, veggies haven’t been a focus. That changed this year when I suggested/strong pressured him to get more acquainted with growing vegetables. I was feeling worried about food security and as a bossy older sister, really wanted to make sure he was across it!

His veggies from this year (which he planted from seed) have started to come up, so I thought I would check in with Ferg about his first ever carrots and all the other info he has now that he’s added veggie growing to his list of successes. Check out Ferg’s veggie garden backstory below!

Ferg with his first carrots, grown in one narrow bed in his Sydney courtyard (above) - they tasted great!

My Veggie Garden Story: 10 Questions with Fergus Grealy

#1 Where do you live?
In the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney with a courtyard garden which thankfully gets a lot of sun so I can grow throughout the whole year.

#2 How long have you been growing veggies? How did you get into growing your own?
I’ve been growing lots of flowers ever since I learned how to garden during the pandemic. With veggies I planted a few things here and there - rocket and tomatoes have grown well for me so far. This year my sister Phoebe AKA Salisbury Grange sent me a heap of veggies seeds and *strongly *encouraged me to grow more.

#3 How did you learn to grow them?
I’ve learned a lot from Salisbury Grange, Gardening Australia and people I follow in the social media community. Also through trial and error, with a lot of error!

#4 What’s your garden situation? How many veggies do you usually plant?
I have two narrow garden beds in my courtyard and there is also plenty of space for pots and to grow some things on my balcony. This year I planted a few seed trays with different veggies and then I just worked with the seedlings that came up. This year that has been broccoli, carrots, rainbow chard and calendula. The carrots and chard have just come up and I’m waiting for my broccoli.

#5 Do you have any rituals around planting veggies?
The main rituals I have in the garden are around flowers! Sweet Peas in Autumn and Dahlias in Summer.

Some of the beautiful flowers Ferg has grown over the last few years including dahlias, marigolds, sunflowers and Bells of Ireland (above) all from his own homegrown seedlings!

Rapid Fire!

#6 New vegetable you want to grow? Watercress. I love watercress and it’s also really hard to get at the supermarket.
#7 Flower patch or veggie patch? Flower patch!
#8 Any growing calamities? It’s been a tough growing season this year with lots of rain, wind and random sun. I feel like I had beginners luck in my first few seasons and now this weather is more challenging. Also birds ate a lot of the sunflower seeds I planted!
#9 Who is your veggie garden inspo? Rav from Happy Garden, Happy Life, Tino’s garden on Gardening Australia and Alessandro from the Spicy Moustache. Also Compostable Kate.
#10 What’s next for your garden in general? I’m growing a bigger than usual dahlia patch this summer including Cafe Au Lait dahlias.

Rainbow chard and carrots straight from the veggie patch #organic

Fergus Sydney courtyard where all the magic happens!


Growing Dahlias In Sydney


When To Grow Carrots In Sydney