Easy Flowers To Grow In Brisbane

Top of the easy to grow flowers in Brisbane list? Sunflowers!

If you are new to the flower growing game, starting off with easier flowers to begin with is a smart way to build confidence before building up to the more complicated blooms (sweet peas and dahlias, I’m looking at you).

Because Brisbane is sunny all year round there are a lot of options for pretty flowers to grow and I have included 6 below that are very simple and easy to grow, and are also very happy in the hot weather that Brisbane can throw out any month of the year.

And if you’d like to view more flower growing options across each season, be sure to check out my Seasonal Flower Calendar below too!

#1 Sunflowers are the top of the ‘easy flowers to grow’ list because they bloom super fast and grow across all seasons.

#2 Zinnia come in lots of great colours and rarely present a problem making them a great beginner bloom, especially in the summer months.

#3 Marigolds area perfect flower option to grow in spring and summer and are very hardy meaning they need little attention. Pollinators are also a big fan!

#4 Celosia is one flower I grew basically on neglect. It turned out really beautifully though with minimal fuss. Highly recommend!

#5 Cosmos is one of the most easy flowers to grow in Brisbane. Not only do they like warm weather, but they also self-seed at the end of a season, basically re-planting themselves and saving you the trouble!

#6 Basil is not considered a flower, but I always add it to my flower bunches. You can see the purple basil pods from Thai Basil I was growing in the top right hand corner of this bunch. Basil is super easy to grow and smells amazing!

Looking for more information? Check out my take on 5 Summer Flowers To Grow In Brisbane or Possum Netting From Bunnings Saved My Seedlings!


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