My 2023 Raised Garden Bed Plan

Me at the start of my raised garden bed plantings for 2023

I’ve finally been won over to the land of raised garden beds. After selling my Toowoomba property with its large garden in 2022 and moving into a rental with only a small courtyard and balcony to grow in, I’ve realised just how useful they can be.

I wasn’t looking for the best raised garden beds in Australia when I bought the ones above, but I have to say that I’m very happy with the raised beds I’ve been using. (My mum also used these for her balcony garden last year too). The first ones I bought were the round variety and I bought another set of 3 that are rectangular. I love them equally!

The one unexpected thing that growing veggies and flowers with raised garden beds does is it forces you to be very selective about what you’re planting because you have limited space. For the very first time in my life, I’ve planned my entire year of planting in advance!

I thought I would share my 2023 plan here because it is a good example of working across seasons. I’ve included all of the 8 projects I’ll be doing below (2 x each season) including growing herbal teas in autumn and a pollination station for the bees and butterflies in summer.

If you would like the exact shopping list of all the products I bought (in Bunnings) to get these projects up and running, I’ve included that via the link below too!

Are these the best raised garden beds in Australia? I’m vert partial to them!

My 2023 Raised Garden Bed Plan | 8 Projects

Looking for some of the best raised garden bed projects (in Australia)? I’ve devised these seasonal projects to keep the veggies and flowers rolling on. In between each project I add compost to the raised garden beds and let it rest for a couple of weeks too.

Project #1 Salad Bowls: including cos lettuce, rocket and basil
Project #2 Pollination Station: including zinnia, cosmos, basil and echinacea

Project #1 Autumn Leaves: including rainbow chard, silverbeet, spinach and Cavolo Nero
Project #3 Herbal Teas: including chamomile, evening primrose and calendula

Project #1 Home composting
Project #2 Il Soffritto: including celery, carrot, onion and garlic

Project #1 Heaps Of Herbs: including Parsley, Dill, Basil, Coriander, Chives and Tatsoi
Project #2 Spring Fleurs: including billy buttons, celosia, Bells of Ireland

A tonne of the greens in my ‘Salad Bowl’ raised garden bed project

Homegrown seedlings ready to plant in my ‘Pollination Station’ project

Looking for more information? Check out my take on What To Grow Now In Brisbane, By The Seasons or When To Grow Tomatoes In Brisbane.


When To Grow Carrots In Brisbane


All The Garden Products I Use