Where To Buy Flower Seeds Online In Australia

Looking to buy flower seeds online in Australia? There are so many good options like these colourful zinnias!

If you want the very best, most beautiful flowers all through the year, growing them from seed is one of the best ways to go about it, especially because some of the most unusual or delicate flowers like sweet peas or Bells of Ireland or echinacea are basically impossible to buy except from really top end florists.

At the start of each year, I dream up what I plan to plant each season and go on a flower seed shopping spree online. There are lots of amazing seed companies and beautiful flower options, but I’ve narrowed my list down to 6 of the best places to buy flower seeds online in Australia below.

If you’re wondering what I’m growing in 2023, I’m aiming for bee flowers in summer (zinnia, cosmos), herbal tea flowers in autumn (chamomile, calendula), sunflowers in winter, and sculptural flowers (Bells of Ireland, billy buttons) in spring. Happy flower growing!

Some of the flowers I grew in my Brisbane backyard over the last two years (above) including beautiful purple echinacea

Where To Buy Flower Seeds Online | Australia

#1 Jardin De Fleur, TAS

#2 Diggers Club, VIC

#3 Eden Seeds, QLD

#4 Lambley Nursery, VIC

#5 Salisbury Grange, QLD

#6 Wild Violet Flower Farm, VIC

I grew these amazing sunflowers from seed that I bought online from Eden Seeds (a Queensland seed company)

Beautiful Bells Of Ireland flowers

Looking for more information? Check out my take on When To Plant Sweet Peas In Australia or The 4 Dinnerplate Dahlias I’m Growing in 2023!


Where To Buy Veggie Seeds Online In Australia


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