What Seeds To Plant Now In Brisbane

Wondering what seeds to plant now in Brisbane? Basil always works!

There are two main ways to grow anything in your home garden and they are: plant the veggies and flowers you want from seeds, or buy small seedlings or already grown plants and use them.

You might think: why bother doing the whole process of planting from seeds when I can skip ahead and just buy an almost grown plant and cut out a few months and effort? But as a purist, I almost always grow everything in my garden from seed. One, it’s so much more satisfying to know I’ve grown my veggies and flowers the whole way and be part of the growing process from the start and secondly, there is so much more variety when you plant from seeds.

There are hundreds of different types of lettuces or sweet peas or heirloom tomatoes that you cannot get at a supermarket, but when you have seeds you can grow anything you want. If you are wondering what seeds to plant now in Brisbane, check out my guide below. It takes about 2-3 months from when you plant seeds to getting the final vegetable so the guide below is for when to first plant the seeds in Brisbane. Happy growing!

Some of the recent seedlings I’ve grown in Brisbane from my own seeds including lettuce, sunflower and basil (above)

What Seeds To Plant Now In Brisbane | Seasonal Guide

Rocket, Cos Lettuce, Basil, Parsley, Endive, Kang Kong, Zinnia, Cosmos, Echinacea, Beans, Zucchini, Capsicum, Cucumber

Silverbeet, Spinach, Cavolo Nero, Coriander, Watercress, Bells Of Ireland, Queen Anne’s Lace, Tomatoes, Carrots, Celery, Onions

Winter: Sunflowers

Lettuce, Tatsoi, Basil, Rocket, Billy Buttons, Yellow Celosia, Calendula, Snow Peas, Sugar Snaps, Chamomile

NOTE! If you’d like to see the exact steps I use when planting seeds, check out my Youtube where I plant carrot, lettuce, basil and sunflowers seeds on my balcony in Brisbane.

You don’t need a lot of space to grow seeds - I use a waterproof table on my balcony in Brisbane

Looking for more information? Check out my YouTube video Planting Basil In Brisbane or my take on Where To Buy Veggie Seeds Online In Australia.


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