FREE! Brisbane Bees + Butterflies Poster

A beautiful monarch butterfly perched on a zinnia flower in my Brisbane pollinator garden

Bees, Butterflies and Native Bees In Brisbane

Over the years of having a backyard veggie and flower garden, I’ve become very well acquainted with many of the bees, butterflies and native bees in Brisbane.

I’ve tried to capture photos of these beauties over the years so I could research the names and fun information about them. The blue banded bee is one of my favourite visitors in Brisbane and has the most amazing electric blue stripes across its bottom.

I always noticed lots of stunning butterfly visitors in my backyard, but since finding out their variety names, I find I now know the times of year they visit and the flowers they love the most. Butterflies appear to be very fond of zinnia (see above) so I make sure I always plant some each summer.

I decided to create a Brisbane Bees + Butterflies Poster with images and descriptions of the pollinators I was seeing in Brisbane this year because I think the more we know their names, the more we will protect them. If you would like a copy, please feel free to download it below.

The colourful flowers I’ve grown to attract bees and native bees in Brisbane, including dahlias and sunflowers (above)

I’ve noticed sunflowers are a huge drawcard for bees and little native bees in Brisbane

A honey bee searching for nectar in my Brisbane backyard

Looking for more information? Check out How I Bring In Bees + Native Bees In Brisbane or download my 2023 Brisbane Planting Guide.


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