How To Grow Sunflowers In Pots

Some of my homegrown sunflowers in my Brisbane backyard

I recently created a Salisbury Grange YouTube channel and one of my videos outlines how I grow sunflowers in pots at home.

Growing sunflowers in pots is an awesome idea if you don’t have a lot of space. I once grew about 10 sunflowers in pots down my front steps and the amount of people who stopped to comment was unbelievable!

I like to grow sunflowers every year in Brisbane because they bring in the bees and they are one of the easiest flowers to grow if you are a beginner or don’t have a lot of time to tend to them.

Click on the image below and it will take you directly to my 1 minute How To Grow Sunflowers In Pots video. And if you want more information about flowers in general, check out my Seasonal Flower Calendar below too.

Some of the steps I took to grow sunflowers in pots on my balcony (above) see more in my Youtube video.

How To Grow Sunflowers In Pots | 3 Tips

#1 I plant my sunflower seeds in autumn and winter in Brisbane, as it’s still sunny and warm enough.

#2 I plant my own seedlings - usually about 1 seed tray full or 30 seeds (see how I do that here).

#3 I use 20cm black pots and plant 1 sunflower only per pot - don’t be tempted to plant multiple because they grow quite tall and need lots of space.

Looking for more information? Check out my take on When To Plant Sunflowers In Brisbane or I Grew These Sunflowers about the mini sunflower field I grew.


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