Growing Tomato Seedlings

Growing tomato seedlings? One seed tray can produce scores of tomato plants!

Two of my biggest bug bears when it comes to produce are pesticide use and tasteless GMO produce and nowhere is this more prevalent in the world than in tomatoes in the supermarket. Yuck. Because of that, for about the last 10 years I’ve been growing my own tomatoes at home and one of the most cost-effective ways to do that is by growing tomato seedlings like the ones in the photo above.

If you are thinking about growing your own tomato seedlings too, I’ve included the very simple steps I use to grow mine below.

Some of the different homegrown tomatoes I’ve grown recently from seed (above): they all tasted amazing!

Growing Tomato Seedlings | 5 Tips

  1. Fill up a seedling tray with potting mix (I use REKO trays and Searles potting mix)

  2. Put a hole in each square and then pop one tomato seed in each square (1 only, trust me!)

  3. Pat down, sprinkle lightly with water from a watering can (I use Nylex) and put into direct sunlight

  4. A week later seedlings should have popped up

  5. I keep the seedlings in the tray for a whole month to let them get to a good size before planting them in a garden bed or pots

The result of growing tomato seedlings = an abundance of cherry tomatoes like these homegrown varieties from my Brisbane backyard

Looking for more information? Check out my take on When To Plant Tomatoes In Brisbane and 9 Amazing Tomato Varieties To Grow This Year.


When To Plant Tomatoes In Perth


When To Plant Tomatoes In Adelaide