The New Flower Farming In Australia

A dream scene - dahlias grown by Florelie in Victoria. Image credit: Florelie

Over the past few years there has been a beautiful revolution in flower farming across Australia. Led by amazing female flower farmers, small micro farms with chemical free practices have popped up across every state bringing #grownnotflown flowers to market.

In Queensland there is Flower Farmstead near Gympie where farmer Jen grows huge sunflowers and colourful snapdragons. In New South Wales there is the stunning Floral By Nature farm, run by farmer Celine in the Blue Mountains, featuring rows of zinnias and all varieties of dahlias.

In Victoria there is Florelie based in Ballarat and insta-sensation Wild Violet Flower Farm in Lilydale. Both are producing scores of beautiful seasonal blooms from ranunculus to daffodils to dahlias. And in Western Australia there is Allie from Aravis Flowers in Manjimup, 3 hours southeast of Perth, growing cosmos, zinnia and dahlias among other beauties.

Check out the inspiring images of the new female-led flower farming in Australia and be sure to support these farmers when you can!

Queensland - Flower Farmstead

Are these sunflowers grown by Flower Farmstead over 3 metres tall? Incredible! Image credit: Flower Farmstead

Beautiful blush pink snapdragons grown near Gympie by Flower Farmstead. Image credit: Flower Farmstead

New South Wales - Floral By Nature

Celine from Floral By Nature holding buckets of zinnia. Image credit: Floral By Nature

Rows of tall dahlias at their Blue Mountains farm. Image credit: Floral By Nature

Victoria - Florelie

Dahlias galore grown by Florelie. Image credit: Florelie

Where the flower farming magic happens - in Ballarat. Image credit: Florelie

Victoria - Wild Violet Farm

One of the leaders of the new flower farming in Australia is Sam from Wild Violet Flower Farm whose Instagram profile is awesome. Image credit: Wild Violet Flower Farm

So much beauty and dahlias as far as the eye can see in Lilydale outside of Melbourne! Image credit: Wild Violet Flower Farm

Western Australia - Aravis Flowers

The antithesis of industrial flower farming - the gorgeous dahlia field of Aravis Flowers. Image credit: Aravis Flowers

Kids among the flowers in Western Australia! Image credit: Aravis Flowers


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