5 Of The Best Tomatoes To Grow In Perth

Looking for the best tomatoes to grow in Perth? There are so many awesome heirloom varieties that you can’t find anywhere else but your own garden. Image credit: Urban Farmstead

Thinking about growing your own incredible tomatoes at home but overwhelmed by all the options? There are so many exciting tomato varieties to grow from seed, from so many different sellers, where to start?

Fear not, I’ve heard your call and done some trawling through all of the best tomatoes to grow in Perth’s climate and found some absolutely amazing varieties to add to your garden. From orange-toned cherry tomato ‘Sungold’ to the shiny dark ‘Black Beauty’, let me introduce you to 6 of the best tomatoes to grow in Perth.

#1 Sungold Tomatoes - are a delicious cherry tomato that ripens into a sweet orange colour and grow plentifully.
Image credit: The Love For Gardening

#2 Datterini Tomatoes - are a plum shaped red variety originating from Sicily known for their rich taste. Perfect for bruschetta!
Image credit: Seed Freaks

#3 Black Beauty - this shiny black tomato has been traced back to origins in the Ukraine and is known for a wonderful flavour.
Image credit: The Love For Gardening

#4 Cherry Double Truss - has to be one of the best tomatoes to grow in Perth if an over abundance of fruit is your thing (it’s definitely mine). Cherry Double Truss can grow up 50 tomatoes on each truss alone and hundreds per tomato plant!
Image credit: Seed Freaks

#5 Red Rosso Tomato - is the last but definitely not least when talking about the best tomatoes to grow in sunny Perth. The Rosso is a great tasting deep red heirloom that bears a significant amount of fruit each season. It’s also perfecto for cooking delicious sauces.
Image credit: The Love For Gardening

Looking for more information? Check out When To Plant Tomatoes In Perth and What To Grow Now In Perth, By The Seasons.


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